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Indonesia's Largest International Trade Show For Bicycle, Motorcycle, Scooter, Parts and Accessories.
(8:30 am - 5:30 pm)
Open Map

Visitor Registration

Event Details :

Date                         : 21 – 23 May 2025
Venue                      : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran

Opening Hours :

21 – 22 May 2025 : 10.00 am – 06.00 pm
23 May 2025          : 10.00 am – 04.30 pm

Admission Policy : 
English Indonesian Chinese

1. Children under 18 years old are not allowed to enter the exhibition halls.
2. Business attire are mandatory. Short pants and slippers/sandals are not allowed to enter the exhibition halls.
3. No firearms or weapons are allowed to enter the exhibition halls.
4. Visitors are not allowed to take photographs/video recording of the products in display without any permission from the exhibitors.

1. Anak-anak di bawah 18 tahun tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke dalam exhibition hall.
2. Seluruh pengunjung diharuskan berpakaian rapi/formal. Celana pendek dan sandal tidak diperbolehkan.
3. Dilarang membawa senjata api dan senjata tajam ke dalam exhibition hall.
4. Pengunjung tidak diperbolehkan mengambil gambar atau video produk display tanpa seizin exhibitor yang bersangkutan.

1. 18岁以下儿童禁止进入展馆。
2. 需商务着装。不允许穿短裤和拖鞋/凉鞋进入展馆。
3. 严禁携带枪支、武器进入展馆。
4. 未经参展商许可,参观者不得对展出产品进行拍照/摄像。